Zip Code:

12020, Ballston Spa, NY

12020 is a New York Zip code within the city of Ballston Spa and the county of Saratoga County. Its population is roughly 33,563.

Ballston Spa's Real Estate Market

The 12020 zip code of Ballston Spa, NY has a median home value of $212,000 and a median home equity value of $236,000. The 12020 zip code has a population of 8,868 and an average household size of 2.53 people. The 12020 zip code has a gender distribution that is 49% male and 51% female. The 12020 zip code is racially diverse with a population that is 33% white, 30% black/African American, 14% Hispanic/Latino, 3% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1% other race.

Ballston Spa is located in Saratoga County and has been in existence since 1786. Ballston Spa was originally known as "Balls Town" because it was the location where the balls used in the first game of baseball were manufactured. Ballston Spa became an incorporated town in 1865 and began to grow rapidly due to its location on the railroad line between Albany and New York City. Today, Ballston Spa remains an important community with many businesses located within its boundaries including IBM (the world's largest computer company), General Electric (one of the world's largest corporations), Trader Joe's (a grocery store chain), Ford Motor Company (the second-largest automaker in the United States), PepsiCo (the world's largest food company), Capital One Financial Corporation (one of the world's largest banks), Wells Fargo Bank (one of the top five banks in America), National Grid Corporation (one of America’s leading providers of electricity) and many others.

The economy in Ballston Spa is based largely on services rather than manufacturing like it was historically. However, there are still many businesses located within the city limits that provide goods or services to residents and visitors alike such as IBM which provides technology solutions for businesses around the world; Ford Motor Company which manufactures cars; PepsiCo which produces beverages; Capital One Financial Corporation which provides financial services; Wells Fargo Bank which provides banking services; National Grid Corporation which provides electricity; etc. These types of businesses create jobs for residents who work at these companies or who are employed by companies that do business with these companies. Additionally, these businesses generate tax revenue for city government which helps to fund municipal programs such as police protection or street maintenance etc.. As long as these businesses continue to operate successfully and generate income for their employees and shareholders while providing goods or services that people need or want then they will continue to be successful in Ballston Spa – regardless if housing prices rise or fall relative to other areas within Saratoga County or nationwide

Price Index: Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY

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