Zip Code:
12460 is a New York Zip code within the city of Oak Hill and the county of Greene. Its population is roughly 416.
Home Equity and Home Prices in the 12460 Zip Code of Oak Hill, NY
The 12460 zip code of Oak Hill, NY has a median home value of $269,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $179,900. The zip code also has a higher than average percentage of homes with equity (77%). This is likely due to the high demand for housing in this area and the fact that many homes here were built in the 1960s and 1970s.
The average home price in this zip code increased by 5% from 2016 to 2017. This is slightly slower than the statewide increase of 6%. However, given that there are only about 1,500 homes in this zip code, it is not surprising that these prices have been relatively stable over time.
There are several factors that could affect home prices in this area over time. These include interest rates, employment conditions, and local market conditions. At present, it seems unlikely that any one factor will have a large impact on prices over the long term.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
12423 | 1,050 | 31.9 | America/New_York | 42.37921 | -74.10974 | East Durham | Greene | New York |
12120 | 683 | 15.1 | America/New_York | 42.45141 | -74.14424 | Medusa | Albany County | New York |
12418 | 567 | 15.8 | America/New_York | 42.35877 | -74.16173 | Cornwallville | Greene | New York |
12422 | 353 | 13.4 | America/New_York | 42.39260 | -74.20334 | Durham | Greene | New York |