Zip Code:

12480, Shandaken, NY

12480 is a New York Zip code within the city of Shandaken and the county of Ulster County. Its population is roughly 588.

The Real Estate Market in the 12480 Zip Code of Shandaken, New York

The 12480 zip code of Shandaken, NY has a median home value of $236,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $179,500 and the national median home value of $177,200. The zip code has a population of 2,811 people and there are 1,527 housing units.

There are 1,527 housing units in the zip code and 97% are occupied. The average occupancy rate is 2.9 people per housing unit which is higher than the statewide occupancy rate of 2.6 people per housing unit and the national occupancy rate of 2.4 people per housing unit. The majority (83%) of households in the zip code have at least one person who works outside the home and 50% have two or more people who work outside the home. This compares to 29% statewide and 24% nationally who have at least one person who works outside the home.

The average household size in Shandaken is 2.3 people which is lower than both the statewide average household size (2.7 people) and nationally (2.6 people). There are 1,291 households in Shandaken which is lower than both the statewide average (1,548 households) and nationally (1,516 households). The percentage of families with children under 18 years old in Shandaken is lower than both New York state (37%) and nationally (41%). There are 693 unmarried couples living together in Shandaken which is lower than both New York state (10%) and nationally (12%).

Price Index: Kingston, NY

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