Zip Code:

12723, Callicoon, NY

12723 is a New York Zip code within the city of Callicoon and the county of Sullivan. Its population is roughly 1,625.

The Real Estate Market in the 12723 Zip Code of Callicoon, NY

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 12723 Zip Code of Callicoon, NY

The 12723 zip code of Callicoon, NY has a median home value of $191,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $146,000. The zip code also has a higher than average percentage of homes with a mortgage at 81%. This is higher than the statewide percentage of homes with a mortgage at 73%.

There are several factors that may contribute to the high home values in this zip code. One reason may be that Callicoon is located in an affluent area. Another reason may be that there are many homeowners who have been able to keep their homes for many years and have built up equity in them. Finally, there is likely some demand for housing in this zip code because it is located close to both Albany and Syracuse.

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