Zip Code:
12852 is a New York Zip code within the city of Newcomb and the county of Essex. Its population is roughly 375.
The 12852 zip code of Newcomb, NY has a median home value of $206,000 and a median home equity value of $131,000. The zip code has a population of 1,853 people and is located in the town of Newcomb.
The 12852 zip code is one of the most affordable zip codes in New York with a median home value less than half the statewide median home value. The average price per square foot in the 12852 zip code is $64 which is much lower than the statewide average price per square foot of $114. This indicates that there are many homes for sale in the 12852 zip code that are below market value. Additionally, there are many homeowners who have taken advantage of low interest rates to increase their equity in their homes.
One reason why homeownership rates are high in the 12852 zip code is because there are few available housing units compared to other areas in New York. In fact, only 6% of homes in the 12852 zip code are vacant according to Zillow data. This shortage has led to increased demand for housing units and higher home values due to limited supply.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
12842 | 797 | 1.6 | America/New_York | 43.75918 | -74.29218 | Indian Lake | Hamilton | New York |
12857 | 685 | 6.2 | America/New_York | 43.82268 | -73.91002 | Olmstedville | Essex | New York |
12851 | 394 | 1.4 | America/New_York | 43.85581 | -74.04157 | Minerva | Essex | New York |