Zip Code:

12986, Tupper Lake, NY

12986 is a New York Zip code within the city of Tupper Lake and the county of Franklin County. Its population is roughly 5,941.

The Real Estate Market in the 12986 Zip Code of Tupper Lake, NY

The 12986 zip code of Tupper Lake, NY has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $119,000. The 12986 zip code ranks #1 in the state of New York for both home values. The 12986 zip code is also the most expensive zip code in New York.

There are a number of reasons why the 12986 zip code is so expensive. First, Tupper Lake is a very affluent area with a high percentage of households earning over $100,000 per year. Second, there are very few homes available for sale in the 12986 zip code which means that buyers have plenty of choice when it comes to picking a home to buy. Finally, the prices in the 12986 zip code are not likely to change much over the next few years due to strong demand from buyers and limited supply.

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