Zip Code:

13072, Georgetown, NY

13072 is a New York Zip code within the city of Georgetown and the county of Madison County. Its population is roughly 819.

Real Estate in the 13072 Zip Code of Georgetown, NY

Georgetown, New York is a small town located in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. The 13072 zip code covers a small area of the town and has a population of just over 2,000 people. Home prices in the 13072 zip code have been on the rise for the past few years and are now among some of the highest in upstate New York.

The average home price in the 13072 zip code was $191,200 as of May 2017. This is significantly higher than the statewide average home price of $146,500 and is also much higher than any other zip code in upstate New York. The majority of homes in the 13072 zip code are owned by individuals or families who live there full-time. There are also a few properties that are owned by businesses or organizations, but these represent a very small percentage of all homes in the zip code.

The reason why home prices have been increasing so rapidly in Georgetown is largely due to factors outside of local control. In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for housing across all parts of America due to strong economic growth and low interest rates. Additionally, there has been an increase in demand for housing near major metropolitan areas due to rising incomes and increased job opportunities. This combination has led to elevated prices throughout much of America's larger cities, but especially within close proximity to those cities' downtowns.

Georgetown does not have any major attractions that would drive increased demand for housing nearby – instead, it is primarily a rural community with limited job opportunities and few amenities that would appeal to residents outside its traditional market base. However, because Georgetown's home prices are so high relative to other areas within upstate New York, it may still experience some localized increases even if overall nationwide prices decline somewhat over time.

Price Index: Syracuse, NY

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