Zip Code:

13319, Chadwicks, NY

13319 is a New York Zip code within the city of Chadwicks and the county of Oneida County. Its population is roughly 561.

The Real Estate Market in the 13319 Zip Code of Chadwicks, NY.

The 13319 zip code of Chadwicks, NY has a median home value of $211,500. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $179,600 and the national median home value of $177,200. The 13319 zip code also has a higher percentage of homes with a mortgage than the statewide and national percentages. The percentage of homes with a mortgage in the 13319 zip code is 68%. This is higher than both the statewide percentage (64%) and the national percentage (63%).

The 13319 zip code has a lower percentage of homes without a mortgage than both the statewide percentage (14%) and the national percentage (17%). The 13319 zip code also has a lower percentage of homes with an equity loan or line of credit than both the statewide percentage (5%) and the national percentage (8%). The 13319 zip code has a higher percent of homes that are owner-occupied than either the statewide percent (60%) or nationally percent (55%).

Price Index: Utica-Rome, NY

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