Zip Code:

13413, New Hartford, NY

13413 is a New York Zip code within the city of New Hartford and the county of Oneida County. Its population is roughly 15,777.

The Real Estate Market in the 13413 Zip Code of New Hartford, NY

The 13413 zip code of New Hartford, NY has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $111,000. These values are lower than the statewide median home value of $174,500 and statewide median home equity value of $142,700. This indicates that the homes in the 13413 zip code are less valuable than those in other parts of New York.

The 13413 zip code also has a higher percentage of homeowners with a mortgage than the statewide average (79% vs. 66%). This may be due to the lower values of homes in this zip code or because more people in this area have mortgages. It is also possible that more people in this area have access to credit because it is located near some major cities ( New York City and Hartford) and has a high population density.

Despite these factors, there is still evidence that suggests that homes in the 13413 zip code are not as valuable as those elsewhere in New York. The average list price for homes in this zip code is only about half of what the statewide average list price is ($158,500 vs. $309,900). Additionally, there are significantly more homes available for sale (1,811 vs. 1,099), indicating that there may be greater opportunity for buyers to purchase homes at lower prices here than elsewhere in New York State.

Price Index: Utica-Rome, NY

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