Zip Code:

13435, Prospect, NY

13435 is a New York Zip code within the city of Prospect and the county of Oneida County. Its population is roughly 393.

The Real Estate Market in the 13435 Zip Code of Prospect, NY

Prospect, NY is located in the 13435 zip code. Prospect is a suburban town in Westchester County, New York. As of the 2010 census, the population of Prospect was 27,898. The median household income was $106,906 and the median family income was $130,000. The per capita income was $53,711.

The 13435 zip code has a home equity value of $1,527,600 as of March 2016 according to Zillow. This is an increase from $1,471,200 in March 2015 and an increase from $1,432,800 in March 2014. Home prices have increased by 5% over this time period according to Zillow data.

There are currently 2 homes for sale in the 13435 zip code with an average list price of $1 million and an average sale price of $995k as of March 2016 according to MLS data from®

The percentage of homes for sale in the 13435 zip code that are currently available for purchase is 73%.

Price Index: Utica-Rome, NY

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