Zip Code:

14130, Pike, NY

14130 is a New York Zip code within the city of Pike and the county of Wyoming. Its population is roughly 170.

The Real Estate Market in the 14130 Zip Code of Pike, NY.

The Pike, NY 14130 zip code has a median home value of $141,000 and a median home equity of $104,000. This is a relatively high home value compared to other zip codes in the area. The average home value in the Pike, NY 14130 zip code is $113,500. Home equity is important because it can provide homeowners with a cushion against unexpected expenses or declines in their income.

Home prices have been on the rise in the Pike, NY 14130 zip code over the past few years. In 2014, the median home value was $135,000 and by 2016 it had increased to $141,000. The trend seems to be continuing into 2017 as there has been an increase of 0.8% in the median home values so far this year. This suggests that there are still plenty of buyers and sellers active in this market and that prices are likely to continue increasing over time.

One reason for this increase in home values may be due to increased demand from potential buyers who are looking for stable investments with good potential for growth. Additionally, there has been an influx of new residents into the Pike area which may also contribute to rising prices since many people are looking for affordable housing options close to their work or school locations.

While it is important to note that price increases can vary greatly depending on location and other factors (such as interest rates), overall it seems that homes in the Pike area are becoming more expensive over time which could lead to some homeowners experiencing significant gains if they sell soon enough.

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