Zip Code:

14225, Buffalo, NY

14225 is a New York Zip code within the city of Buffalo and the county of Erie County. Its population is roughly 33,091.

The Real Estate Market in the 14225 Zip Code of Buffalo, New York

The 14225 zip code of Buffalo, NY is home to a population of over 260,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $59,000, and the median home value is $130,000. Over the past five years, the home equity in this zip code has increased by an average of 10%. This increase can be attributed to strong economic growth in the Buffalo area as well as low interest rates.

The average mortgage rate in this zip code was 3.5% in 2017. This low interest rate has helped to increase home values and home equity significantly over the past few years. Additionally, there are a number of attractive homes for sale in this zip code that are likely to continue increasing in value over time.

Price Index: Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY

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