Zip Code:

14467, Henrietta, NY

14467 is a New York Zip code within the city of Henrietta and the county of Monroe County. Its population is roughly 10,098.

The Real Estate Market in the 14467 Zip Code of Henrietta, NY.

Henrietta, NY is located in the Southern Tier region of New York. The zip code 14467 has a population of around 16,000 and median household income is around $60,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years, reaching a median sale price of $215,000 in 2016. This increase in home prices can be attributed to several factors including an influx of new residents and an increase in demand for housing due to the growing economy.

The majority of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied. However, there has been a recent trend towards more home purchases being made by investors. This is likely due to the high level of home equity that residents have access to relative to other areas in New York State. In addition, there is a large number of available properties for sale within this zip code which may also contribute to the increase in home prices.

Price Index: Rochester, NY

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