Zip Code:
14529 is a New York Zip code within the city of Perkinsville and the county of Steuben County. Its population is roughly 137.
Perkinsville is located in the 14529 zip code which has a median home value of $128,000. The 14529 zip code has a median household income of $50,000 and a median family income of $60,000. Perkinsville has a population of 1,859 people and the population density is 584 people per square mile.
The 14529 zip code has a 0% mortgage rate and a 2% home equity rate. The average monthly payment on an 80% loan would be $1,076. The average monthly payment on a 30-year loan would be $1,948. Perkinsville's current home prices are up 3% from last year and are up 10% from two years ago.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
14437 | 11,220 | 34.9 | America/New_York | 42.57523 | -77.73829 | Dansville | Livingston County | New York |
14572 | 4,640 | 24 | America/New_York | 42.56536 | -77.57100 | Wayland | Steuben County | New York |
14826 | 1,957 | 12.4 | America/New_York | 42.49153 | -77.49693 | Cohocton | Steuben County | New York |
14808 | 607 | 69.6 | America/New_York | 42.55966 | -77.46691 | Atlanta | Steuben County | New York |