Zip Code:

14816, Breesport, NY

14816 is a New York Zip code within the city of Breesport and the county of Chemung County. Its population is roughly 527.

The Real Estate Market in the 14816 Zip Code of Breesport, NY.

The 14816 zip code of Breesport, NY has a median home value of $128,000. This is lower than the statewide median home value of $217,500. The 14816 zip code also has a lower percentage of homeownership than the statewide average (68%). There are more renters in this zip code than homeowners (29% vs. 21%).

There are several factors that may contribute to the lower home values in this zip code. First, there is a higher percentage of renters in this area compared to homeowners. This means that there is more competition for homes and fewer homes available for sale. Second, the median age of homes in this zip code is relatively young, which may indicate that there is not much demand for homes here yet. Finally, Breesport is located in an economically depressed region of New York State. This may lead people to choose other areas over Breesport when looking for a place to live or buy property.

Price Index: Elmira, NY

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