Zip Code:

14845, Horseheads, NY

14845 is a New York Zip code within the city of Horseheads and the county of Chemung County. Its population is roughly 20,011.

Horseheads: A Place to Call Home

The 14845 zip code of Horseheads, NY has a median home value of $211,000 and a median home equity value of $137,000. The average home in this zip code was built in 1978 and has an estimated value of $269,000. This means that the typical homeowner in this zip code is worth approximately 33% more than when their house was originally purchased.

Home prices have increased significantly in the 14845 zip code since 1978. In 1978, the median home price was only $79,500. By 2016, the median home price had increased to $211,000. This represents an increase of 133%.

The reason for this increase is likely due to many factors including population growth (the Horseheads area has seen a significant increase in population over the past 40 years), low interest rates (which have helped to spur borrowing), and limited supply (due to zoning restrictions).

Despite these increases, homeownership rates remain high in the 14845 zip code. In 2016, 68% of households were owner-occupied while 32% were renter-occupied. This indicates that there is still plenty of demand for homes in this area despite increasing prices.

Overall, homeownership rates are high which helps to keep prices stable and allows for long-term growth potential within the 14845 zip code market.

Price Index: Elmira, NY

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