Zip Code:

14882, Lansing, NY

14882 is a New York Zip code within the city of Lansing and the county of Tompkins County. Its population is roughly 4,066.

The Real Estate Market in the 14882 Zip Code of Lansing, NY

The 14882 zip code of Lansing, NY has a median home value of $137,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. This is lower than the statewide median home value of $177,500 and the national median home equity value of $142,200. The 14882 zip code also has a lower than average homeownership rate at just 54%. This is likely due to the high cost of living in this area as well as the low number of homes available for sale.

Despite these factors, there are still some homeowners in the 14882 zip code who are benefiting from rising home prices. Homeowners who have invested in their homes through refinancing or purchasing them outright have seen their values increase significantly over the past few years. In fact, since 2013 alone, the average homeowner's equity in this zip code has increased by over 20%. While this may not be enough to make up for long-term losses suffered during the recessionary period (2008-2013), it is still an indication that there is potential for significant gains in this area if buyers and sellers can find each other.

Price Index: Ithaca, NY

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