Zip Code:

14884, Swain, NY

14884 is a New York Zip code within the city of Swain and the county of Allegany. Its population is roughly 306.

Real Estate in the 14884 Zip Code of Swain, New York

The 14884 zip code of Swain, New York is located in the Southern Tier region of the state. The population of this zip code was 10,898 as of the 2010 census. This zip code has a median household income of $57,711 and a median home value of $128,000.

As of December 31st, 2016 there were 2,527 homes for sale in the 14884 zip code. This represents an 11% decrease from the number of homes for sale at this time last year. The average list price per square foot was $153 which is significantly higher than the statewide average list price per square foot ($106). In addition to being more expensive than statewide averages, Swain's list prices are also much higher than those found in neighboring zip codes. For example, the median list price per square foot in the 14886 zip code is $116 while it is only $103 in the 14885 zip code to its north.

Despite these high prices however, there have been a number of sales over recent months that have brought down overall home values within this zip code. In fact since November 2016 there have been 5 sales that have resulted in a decrease in home values within this area - indicating that despite being more expensive than other areas within New York State, homes here are still affordable for many buyers.

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