Zip Code:

15001, Aliquippa, PA

15001 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Aliquippa and the county of Beaver County. Its population is roughly 31,081.

The Real Estate Market in the 15001 Zip Code of Aliquippa, PA

The 15001 zip code of Aliquippa, PA has a median home value of $101,000 and a median home equity value of $142,000. These values are significantly higher than the national median home value of $77,500 and median home equity value of $100,000.

The primary drivers of these high home values in the 15001 zip code are likely the strong economy and low unemployment rates in this area. Additionally, Aliquippa is located in a desirable suburban location with plenty of amenities and access to major transportation routes. These factors have led to increased demand for homes in this area, which has driven up prices.

Despite these high prices, there is still considerable opportunity for homeowners in the 15001 zip code. The average household income in this area is above the national average, so there is ample potential for buyers who can afford to purchase a home here. Additionally, there are still many available homes for sale in the 15001 zip code, so buyers should not be discouraged if they cannot find what they want right away.

Price Index: Pittsburgh, PA

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