Zip Code:

15510, Somerset, PA

15510 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Somerset and the county of Somerset County. Its population is roughly 2,592.

Real Estate in the 15510 Zip Code of Somerset, PA

The 15510 zip code of Somerset, PA is located in the eastern part of the state and has a population of approximately 25,000. The median household income in this zip code is $101,500 and the median home value is $236,500. The average home equity loan-to-value (LTV) ratio in this zip code is 97%.

There are a total of 8,848 homes in the 15510 zip code and 5,827 of these homes are occupied. The average number of bedrooms in these homes is 2.5 and the average number of bathrooms is 1.9. There are a total of 4,746 owner-occupied homes and 3,637 renter-occupied homes in this zip code. The percentage of owner-occupied homes in this zip code is 73% while the percentage of renter-occupied homes is 27%.

The average mortgage rate for owner-occupied homes in this zip code is 3.2% while the average mortgage rate for renter-occupied homes in this zip code is 2.4%. The percentage difference between these two rates indicates that homeowners have an advantage when it comes to obtaining a mortgage loan for their home purchase in this area.

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