Zip Code:

15552, Meyersdale, PA

15552 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Meyersdale and the county of Somerset County. Its population is roughly 5,908.

Real Estate in the 15552 Zip Code of Meyersdale, PA

Meyersdale, Pennsylvania is located in the 15552 zip code. Home equity and home prices in this zip code have seen a significant increase over the past few years. In fact, according to Zillow, the median home value in this zip code is $183,200. This represents a 121% increase from 2007!

One reason for this dramatic increase in home values is likely due to the strong economy that we have currently experiencing. Many people are now able to afford homes that were previously out of their reach. Additionally, Meyersdale has been seeing an influx of new residents who are also looking to purchase homes in this area. This has helped to drive up prices even further.

Another contributing factor may be the low interest rates that we currently have available on mortgages. This makes it much more affordable for people to purchase homes outright rather than using a mortgage loan. Finally, Meyersdale is located in a desirable area with plenty of amenities and opportunities nearby, which also contributes to increased home values.

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