Zip Code:

15696, Youngstown, PA

15696 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Youngstown and the county of Westmoreland County. Its population is roughly 378.

The Real Estate Market in the 15696 Zip Code of Youngstown, PA

The 15696 zip code of Youngstown, PA has a median home value of $50,000. The home equity in this zip code is approximately $15,000. Home prices in the 15696 zip code have been increasing at a rate of 6%. This is slower than the national average of 8%. However, it is still faster than the rate of inflation which is currently at 2%.

There are several factors that could be contributing to the increase in home prices in the 15696 zip code. One reason could be that there are more people moving into this area. Another reason could be that the economy is doing better than expected and people are able to afford more expensive homes. Finally, some people may be buying homes for investment purposes and hope to sell them later for a higher price.

Overall, it seems that home prices in the 15696 zip code are continuing to rise at a rate that is slightly faster than inflation. This indicates that there may be some opportunities for buyers who want to purchase a home but who may not be able to do so at current prices.

Price Index: Pittsburgh, PA

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