Zip Code:

15744, Hamilton, PA

15744 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Hamilton and the county of Jefferson. Its population is roughly 153.

Real Estate in the 15744 Zip Code of Hamilton, PA

The 15744 zip code of Hamilton, PA has a median home value of $136,000. The home equity in this zip code is $48,000. The median household income in this zip code is $62,500. There are a total of 2,811 households in the 15744 zip code. The majority (1,814) of households in the 15744 zip code have children under the age of 18 living with them. The average household size is 2.58 people.

The most common type of housing in the 15744 zip code is single-family homes. There are 1,527 single-family homes in the 15744 zip code and they account for 78% of all housing units in the zipcode. The second most common type of housing is apartments/condos (269). There are also a total of 102 multi-unit buildings (apartments/condos and other types) in the 15744 zip code which accounts for 12% of all housing units in the zipcode.

There are a total of 2,811 households living in the 15744 zip code and 49% percent of these households have children under 18 living with them. This percentage rises to 60% when looking at only households with children under 18 who are not members of another household unit (elderly couples living alone or single parents).

The average household size is 2 people which means that there are approximately 1 person per every 3 houses in this area. Additionally, there are a total number of 1,527 single-family homes and 102 multi-unit buildings located within this area which means that there is approximately one person per every 4 houses overall when looking at all types combined

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