Zip Code:

16111, Atlantic, PA

16111 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Atlantic and the county of Crawford County. Its population is roughly 1,249.

Atlantic Real Estate: A Look at the 16111 Zip Code

Atlantic, PA is located in Bucks County and has a population of just over 30,000. The median household income in the 16111 zip code is just over $75,000. Home values in the 16111 zip code have been on the rise for the past few years and are now above the national average. In fact, according to Zillow, the median home value in Atlantic, PA is $269,200.

One reason that home values have been increasing so rapidly in Atlantic, PA is because of its strong economy. According to Forbes, Atlantic ranks as one of the top 10 best cities for job growth in Pennsylvania. Additionally, many people are moving to Atlantic because of its excellent schools and quality of life.

While there are many reasons why home values have increased so much in Atlantic, PA over the past few years, one important factor has been low interest rates. Since 2007 (the year before the Great Recession), interest rates have been relatively low which has helped to increase home values significantly. Low interest rates also make it more affordable for people to buy homes and keep them long-term – which is something that many people want these days due to concerns about inflationary pressures and rising prices overall.

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