Zip Code:

16125, Greenville, PA

16125 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Greenville and the county of Mercer County. Its population is roughly 16,974.

The Real Estate Market in the 16125 Zip Code of Greenville, PA.

The 16125 zip code of Greenville, PA is located in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania. The zip code has a population of around 53,000 people and has an average home value of $162,500. The median household income in the zip code is $72,000.

The 16125 zip code has a high home equity rate compared to other areas in Pennsylvania. The home equity rate in the zip code is around 18%. This high home equity rate indicates that many residents in the area have a lot of equity in their homes. This strong equity allows residents to borrow against their homes without having to worry about losing too much money if they were to lose their homes to foreclosure.

The high home equity rate also means that homeowners in the 16125 zip code are able to borrow money relatively easily for things like renovations or new construction projects. Many homeowners use their home equity as a way to supplement their income by taking out loans for things like mortgages or car loans. This helps keep households solvent during tough economic times.

Despite the high home equity rate, there are still some areas within the 16125 zip code where housing prices are lower than average. These areas tend to be located near low-income neighborhoods or areas with poor schools. However, overall housing prices have been increasing over time and most homeowners are now able to afford a house even if they don't have as much money saved up as someone who lives elsewhere in Pennsylvania might have.

Price Index: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA

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