Zip Code:

16510, Erie, PA

16510 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Erie and the county of Erie County. Its population is roughly 25,952.

Real Estate in the 16510 Zip Code of Erie, PA

The 16510 zip code of Erie, PA has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $113,000. This is lower than the Pennsylvania median home value of $169,900 and the national median home equity value of $142,700. The 16510 zip code also has a lower than average homeownership rate of 63%.

There are several factors that may contribute to the low home values in the 16510 zip code. First, Erie is located in western Pennsylvania which has been hit hard by the recession. Second, there are relatively few homes for sale in this zip code which may be contributing to its low home values. Finally, many homes in this zip code are older and may not be worth as much as newer homes.

Price Index: Erie, PA

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