Zip Code:

16823, Bellefonte, PA

16823 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Bellefonte and the county of Centre County. Its population is roughly 30,367.

The Real Estate Market in the 16823 Zip Code of Bellefonte, PA.

Bellefonte, PA is a small town located in the 16823 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $133,000 and the median home equity is $109,000. This means that Bellefonte residents have a relatively high level of home equity relative to other zip codes in Pennsylvania.

Home equity is important because it allows homeowners to use their homes as collateral for loans. Homeowners who have high levels of home equity are more likely to be able to borrow money against their homes and use the money to purchase additional property or take out mortgages on other properties.

The reason that Bellefonte residents have a high level of home equity relative to other zip codes in Pennsylvania may be due to several factors. First, Bellefonte has a relatively low population density which may make it less expensive for homeowners to buy and maintain homes than in more densely populated areas. Second, Bellefonte has a low rate of unemployment which may lead some people who would otherwise not be able afford a house to purchase one here. Finally, Bellefonte has a relatively low rate of foreclosure activity which may indicate that many homeowners here are confident in their ability to repay their mortgages.

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