Zip Code:

16901, Wellsboro, PA

16901 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Wellsboro and the county of Tioga. Its population is roughly 10,245.

Real Estate in the 16901 Zip Code of Wellsboro, PA

Wellsboro, PA is located in the 16901 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Wellsboro has a population of 10,898. The median household income was $41,917 and the median family income was $51,527. The 16901 zip code has a home equity value of $128,000 and a home price of $145,000. Wellsboro's home equity value is lower than the Pennsylvania average of $166,500 and its home price is higher than the Pennsylvania average of $127,500.

The 16901 zip code has a low unemployment rate of 3%. Wellsboro also has a low poverty rate of 4%. Wellsboro's high school graduation rate is 97% and its college graduation rate is 83%.

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