Zip Code:

16937, Mills, PA

16937 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Mills and the county of Potter. Its population is roughly 151.

Real Estate in the 16937 Zip Code of Mills, PA

Mills, PA is located in the 16937 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Mills has a population of 2,711. The median household income was $71,938 and the median family income was $84,828. In 2009 Mills had a per capita income of $41,527.

The average home value in Mills is $183,000. The average home equity in Mills is $101,000. The average home price has increased by 9% since 2007 and by 16% since 2000. In 2007 there were 1,846 homes available for sale in Mills and as of September 2012 there were 1,996 homes available for sale in Mills.

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