Zip Code:

17268, Waynesboro, PA

17268 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Waynesboro and the county of Franklin County. Its population is roughly 29,374.

The Real Estate Market in the 17268 Zip Code of Waynesboro, PA.

Waynesboro, Pennsylvania is located in the 17268 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $137,500. The home equity in this zip code is $76,000. Waynesboro has a population of around 10,000 people and the median age is around 37 years old. Around 60% of the population are homeowners while 40% of the population are renters. There are a total of 1,527 homes in this zip code and there are a total of 2,812 occupied homes in this zip code. This means that there are an average of 1.2 homes per person in this zip code and there are an average of 2.4 homes per person in this zipcode.

The percentage of homeownership rates for people living in Waynesboro is 60%. This means that out of 10,000 people living in Waynesboro, 6,000 people are homeowners while 4,000 people are renters. The percentage of renter-occupied homes for people living in Waynesboro is 40%. This means that out of 10,000 people living in Waynesboro, 4,000 people live as renters while 6,000 people live as homeowners.

The percentage change from 2016 to 2017 for homeowner occupancy rates for residents living within the 17268 zip code was +1%. This means that out of 10 thousand residents who lived within the 17268 zip code at the time that data was collected from 2016 to 2017; 1 more resident became a homeowner during that time period while 0 residents became renters during that same time period 。 Additionally; the percentage change from 2017 to 2018 for homeowner occupancy rates for residents living within the 17268 zip code was +1%. This means that out of 10 thousand residents who lived within the 17268 zip code at the time data was collected from 2017 to 2018; 1 more resident became a homeowner during those two years while 0 residents became renters during those same years

Price Index: Chambersburg-Waynesboro, PA

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