Zip Code:

17516, Conestoga, PA

17516 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Conestoga and the county of Lancaster County. Its population is roughly 4,469.

Real Estate in the 17516 Zip Code of Conestoga, PA

The 17516 zip code of Conestoga, PA has a median home value of $122,500 and a median home equity value of $128,000. These values are significantly higher than the Pennsylvania median home value of $76,600 and the national median home equity value of $106,200. The 17516 zip code is also significantly higher than the Pennsylvania county median home value of $92,100 and the national county median home equity value of $101,800.

The 17516 zip code is composed primarily of middle-class families who have invested in their homes over time. This has resulted in a high level of homeownership and stability in the housing market. There has been little to no growth in house prices over the past five years, which indicates that buyers and sellers are fairly balanced in this area.

While there is some risk associated with buying or selling a house in this area, it is generally manageable. The average commute to work is only 22 minutes, which makes it easy for people to stay connected while they are working. Additionally, Conestoga residents enjoy low crime rates and excellent schools.

Price Index: Lancaster, PA

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