Zip Code:

17801, Sunbury, PA

17801 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Sunbury and the county of Northumberland County. Its population is roughly 15,701.

Sunbury's Real Estate Market

When looking to buy a home, many people consider the home equity and home prices in the 17801 zip code of Sunbury, PA. Home equity is the value of a homeowner's home minus any outstanding mortgages or other liens on that property. Home prices are what buyers are willing to pay for a particular type of property in this area.

According to Zillow, as of September 2017, the median home value in Sunbury was $128,900. This is lower than the Pennsylvania median of $157,500 but higher than the national median of $123,000. The percentage of homes sold in this zip code that were for less than their listed price was 25%, which is below the Pennsylvania statewide average of 33% and well below the national average of 41%. The percentage of homes sold in this zip code that were for more than their listed price was 74%, which is above the Pennsylvania statewide average but below the national average.

Looking at recent trends, it seems that buyers are willing to pay more for properties located within Sunbury's 17801 zip code than they are nationally or statewide. In fact, over the past year there has been an 8% increase in home values within this zip code while nationwide values have decreased by 1%. It seems that buyers believe that Sunbury properties offer good value and stability relative to other areas across Pennsylvania and nationwide.

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