Zip Code:

18504, Scranton, PA

18504 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Scranton and the county of Lackawanna County. Its population is roughly 20,525.

The Real Estate Market in the 18504 Zip Code of Scranton, PA.

The 18504 zip code of Scranton, PA has a median home value of $130,000. The city's home equity rate is approximately 10%. This means that the typical homeowner in the 18504 zip code can expect to have 10% of their home's value left after paying off all their debts and other obligations.

The average mortgage rate in the 18504 zip code is 4.5%. This means that if you were to borrow $100,000 using a mortgage from a bank or other lending institution, you would be required to pay an annual interest rate of $45,500. Over the course of 30 years, this would result in a total debt payment of $481,500.

On average, homeowners in the 18504 zip code spend about 33% of their income on housing costs. This includes both mortgage payments and property taxes.

Price Index: Scranton--Wilkes-Barre, PA

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