Zip Code:

18641, Pittston, PA

18641 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Pittston and the county of Luzerne County. Its population is roughly 6,829.

The Real Estate Market in the 18641 Zip Code of Pittston, PA

Pittston, PA is located in the 18641 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000. The home equity in this zip code is $60,000. This means that the average homeowner in this zip code has a net worth of $86,000 and the average renter has a net worth of -$10,000.

The following table shows the percentage of homeowners and renters in this zip code by income level.

Homeownership Percentage by Income Level:

Less than $30,000: 0%

$30,000-$49,999: 2%

$50,000-$69,999: 5%

$70,000-$99,999: 10%

More than $100,000: 20%

Price Index: Scranton--Wilkes-Barre, PA

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