Zip Code:

19143, Philadelphia, PA

19143 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Philadelphia and the county of Philadelphia County. Its population is roughly 64,630.

The Real Estate Market in Philadelphia, PA in the 19143 Zip Code

The 19143 zip code of Philadelphia, PA has a median home value of $137,500 and a median home equity value of $101,000. This is significantly lower than the national median home value of $217,500 and median home equity value of $146,000. There are a number of factors that could contribute to this discrepancy including:

-The low home values in the 19143 zip code may be indicative of the current market conditions in Philadelphia. The city has been experiencing significant economic decline over the past few years and this could have had an impact on the housing market.

-Another possible factor is that there are a lot of homes in the 19143 zip code that are owned by individuals rather than businesses or institutions. These types of properties tend to have lower values because there is less demand for them.

-Finally, it's worth noting that there are a lot more homes available for sale in the 19143 zip code than there are buyers interested in purchasing them. This could be due to factors such as high levels of unemployment or low levels of interest rates.

Price Index: Philadelphia, PA (MSAD)

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