Zip Code:

19720, New Castle, DE

19720 is a Delaware Zip code within the city of New Castle and the county of New Castle County. Its population is roughly 59,664.

The Real Estate Market in the 19720 Zip Code of New Castle, Delaware

The zip code of 19720 in New Castle, Delaware has a median home value of $169,200 and a median home equity value of $119,000. These values are significantly higher than the national median home value of $161,500 and the national median home equity value of $102,800.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the high values in this zip code. First and foremost is the fact that this area is located in an affluent part of Delaware. Additionally, there is a high concentration of wealthy residents here which may also contribute to the high values. Finally, there is strong demand for housing in this area due to its proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Philadelphia and Wilmington.

Despite these factors, not all homes in this zip code are worth as much as those in other parts of Delaware or the nation. The average home value here is significantly higher than the statewide average and even higher than some other nearby zip codes. This suggests that there are some key factors at work that make these homes more valuable than others.

Price Index: Wilmington, DE-MD-NJ (MSAD)

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