Zip Code:

19979, Viola, DE

19979 is a Delaware Zip code within the city of Viola and the county of Kent County. Its population is roughly 719.

The Real Estate Market in the 19979 Zip Code of Viola, DE.

The 19979 zip code of Viola, DE has a median home value of $129,900. This is lower than the Delaware median home value of $157,500. The 19979 zip code also has a lower than average home equity of $60,000. This means that homeowners in the 19979 zip code have less equity in their homes than homeowners in other parts of Delaware.

Homeownership rates in the 19979 zip code are also low. The homeownership rate is just over 50%, which is below the state average of 57%. This may be due to the low home values and lack of equity in many homes in this area.

Price Index: Dover, DE

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