Zip Code:

20009, Washington, DC

20009 is a District of Columbia Zip code within the city of Washington and the county of District of Columbia. Its population is roughly 52,338.

The Real Estate Market in Washington, DC in the 20009 Zip Code

The 20009 zip code of Washington, DC has a median home value of $263,200 and a median home equity value of $137,000. The 20009 zip code has a homeownership rate of 66.7%, which is higher than the national homeownership rate of 62.5%. The 20009 zip code also has a median household income of $101,500, which is higher than the national median household income of $53,046.

The 20009 zip code has a high home equity to income ratio (HECR) of 2.92. This means that homes in the 20009 zip code are worth more than twice as much as what households earn in annual incomes. This high HECR may be due to the high home values and strong economy in the 20009 zip code. Additionally, there are relatively few housing units in the 20009 zip code compared to other areas in Washington, DC. This may also contribute to the high HECR because it makes it more difficult for buyers to compete for homes in this area.

Despite having a high HECR, there are some areas within the 20009 zip code where housing prices are lower than average. These areas include parts of Capitol Hill and Northeast Washington where housing prices are below average compared to other parts of Washington, DC. Additionally, some parts of Southwest and Southeast Washington have lower housing prices than average because they are not close to major employment centers or transportation hubs like downtown or Georgetown University

Price Index: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD)

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