Zip Code:
20164 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Sterling and the county of Loudoun County. Its population is roughly 41,684.
Sterling, VA is located in Fairfax County and has a population of just over 25,000. The median home value in the zip code is $269,900 and the median household income is just over $90,000. Sterling has seen strong growth in both home equity and home prices over the past few years. In 2016, Sterling had the fifth highest increase in home values out of all zip codes in Virginia.
One reason for this strong growth may be that Sterling is located near many popular amenities such as shopping malls, schools, and parks. Additionally, Sterling has seen an influx of new residents due to its close proximity to Washington D.C. This growth has led to increased demand for housing which has driven up prices in the area.
While there are some concerns that this rapid price appreciation could lead to a housing bubble, so far there does not seem to be any evidence of this happening in Sterling. In fact, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index data from January-March 2017 (the most recent data available), Sterling had one of the lowest rates of house price appreciation among all zip codes across Virginia with a 0% increase over the past three months (Zillow defines a “bubble” as a market where prices are increasing at an unsustainable rate).
Overall, it seems that Sterling is experiencing strong growth in both home equity and home prices which bodes well for its residents and economy overall.
Price Index: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD)
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
20165 | 31,912 | 1,254.9 | America/New_York | 39.05056 | -77.38870 | Sterling | Loudoun County | Virginia |