Zip Code:
21009 is a Maryland Zip code within the city of Abingdon and the county of Harford County. Its population is roughly 29,905.
The 21009 zip code of Abingdon, MD has a median home value of $181,000. This is higher than the Maryland median home value of $157,500. The 21009 zip code also has a higher than average home equity value of $141,000. This means that homeowners in this zip code have more equity in their homes than most other zip codes in Maryland.
There are several factors that may contribute to the high home values and equity in homes in the 21009 zip code of Abingdon, MD. These include the relatively low number of homes for sale compared to other areas of Maryland, strong demand from buyers who want to live in close proximity to Washington D.C., and relatively low rates of foreclosure and bankruptcy filings relative to other parts of Maryland.
Despite these factors, there is still some risk associated with owning a home in the 21009 zip code of Abingdon, MD. This includes the possibility that prices could decline if there are any major changes in the economy or if there are any unforeseen problems with the underlying property itself.
Price Index: Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
21015 | 29,199 | 364.5 | America/New_York | 39.54681 | -76.29604 | Bel Air | Harford County | Maryland |
21040 | 24,166 | 1,171.2 | America/New_York | 39.43315 | -76.29515 | Edgewood | Harford County | Maryland |
21085 | 16,055 | 345.8 | America/New_York | 39.44788 | -76.35469 | Joppa | Harford County | Maryland |
21017 | 6,983 | 981 | America/New_York | 39.47622 | -76.23691 | Belcamp | Harford County | Maryland |