Zip Code:

21154, Street, MD

21154 is a Maryland Zip code within the city of Street and the county of Harford County. Its population is roughly 5,804.

The Street, MD 21154 Real Estate Market

The 21154 zip code of Street, MD has a median home value of $225,000. This is higher than the Maryland median home value of $179,500. The 21154 zip code also has a higher than average percentage of homes with equity (77%). This is likely due to the high home values and low interest rates in this area.

There are a number of factors that can affect home prices and equity in an area. These include local market conditions, interest rates, and availability of mortgages. In general, areas with high home values and low interest rates tend to have more equity in homes. Areas with lower home values and higher interest rates may have less equity in their homes.

The 21154 zip code is located in Montgomery County which has a population of over 1 million people. The Montgomery County economy is strong and there are many opportunities for homeowners to improve their homes through renovations or additions. There are also many available mortgages in the area that can help homeowners purchase or improve their homes.

Price Index: Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD

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