Zip Code:

21601, Easton, MD

21601 is a Maryland Zip code within the city of Easton and the county of Talbot County. Its population is roughly 23,399.

The Real Estate Market in Easton, MD

Easton, MD is located in Prince George's County and has a population of approximately 27,000. The median household income in the 21601 zip code is $92,500 and the median home value is $269,900. Home equity in Easton has increased significantly over the past few years due to strong demand and limited supply. In January of this year, the average home equity in Easton was $291,100. This represents a growth rate of 9.4% over the past twelve months.

There are several factors contributing to this increase in home equity in Easton:

-The economy continues to improve and there is more demand for homes than there are available units

-Low interest rates have helped to stimulate buying activity

-The cost of housing has continued to rise faster than inflation which has helped to increase home values

- Easton is located within close proximity to Washington D.C., which has led to an influx of people and businesses into the area

-The availability of financing products that cater specifically to homeowners has also played a role in driving up home values

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