Zip Code:

21771, Mount Airy, MD

21771 is a Maryland Zip code within the city of Mount Airy and the county of Frederick County. Its population is roughly 29,901.

The Real Estate Market in Mount Airy, MD

Mount Airy, MD is located in the 21771 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Mount Airy was 9,711. The median household income in Mount Airy was $87,898. Home equity and home prices in Mount Airy are important factors to consider when evaluating a potential home purchase or sale.

According to Zillow's most recent data, the median home value in Mount Airy is $269,000. This is significantly higher than the Maryland state average of $157,600 and the national average of $217,200. Additionally, Zillow reports that homes in Mount Airy have been selling for an average of 97% of their list price since January 2015. This indicates that there is strong demand for homes in this zip code and that buyers are willing to pay a premium for properties here.

It's worth noting that not all homes in Mount Airy are worth as much as those listed on Zillow. In fact, there are a number of homes located here that are valued at less than $200,000. This indicates that even though demand for properties in this zip code is high, not all homeowners will be able to afford to purchase a home here at market value.

Price Index: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD)

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