Zip Code:
21801 is a Maryland Zip code within the city of Salisbury and the county of Wicomico County. Its population is roughly 29,866.
The 21801 zip code of Salisbury, Maryland has a population of around 30,000 people and an average home value of $154,000. The median home value in the 21801 zip code is $130,000 which is lower than the national median home value of $177,500. The percentage of homes in the 21801 zip code that are valued at less than $100,000 is higher than the national percentage of 25%. The percentage of homes in the 21801 zip code that are valued at more than $300,000 is lower than the national percentage of 33%.
There are a total of 4,827 homes in the 21801 zip code. Of these homes 3,914 (76%) are occupied and 1,569 (24%) are vacant. This compares to a statewide occupancy rate for Maryland of 71% and a vacancy rate for Maryland of 5%. There are a total number of households in the 21801 zip code with 5,023 people living in them. Of these households 3,711 (77%) have children under 18 living with them and 1,282 (23%) do not have children under 18 living with them. This compares to a statewide occupancy rate for Marylandof 68% and a vacancy rate for Marylandof 6%.
Price Index: Salisbury, MD-DE
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
21826 | 5,325 | 461.8 | America/New_York | 38.31705 | -75.62696 | Fruitland | Wicomico County | Maryland |
21830 | 4,060 | 50.1 | America/New_York | 38.40037 | -75.73244 | Hebron | Wicomico County | Maryland |
21802 | 90 | 661.6 | America/New_York | 38.34470 | -75.58257 | Salisbury | Wicomico County | Maryland |