Zip Code:

21801, Salisbury, MD

21801 is a Maryland Zip code within the city of Salisbury and the county of Wicomico County. Its population is roughly 29,866.

The Real Estate Market in the 21801 Zip Code of Salisbury, MD

The 21801 zip code of Salisbury, Maryland has a population of around 30,000 people and an average home value of $154,000. The median home value in the 21801 zip code is $130,000 which is lower than the national median home value of $177,500. The percentage of homes in the 21801 zip code that are valued at less than $100,000 is higher than the national percentage of 25%. The percentage of homes in the 21801 zip code that are valued at more than $300,000 is lower than the national percentage of 33%.

There are a total of 4,827 homes in the 21801 zip code. Of these homes 3,914 (76%) are occupied and 1,569 (24%) are vacant. This compares to a statewide occupancy rate for Maryland of 71% and a vacancy rate for Maryland of 5%. There are a total number of households in the 21801 zip code with 5,023 people living in them. Of these households 3,711 (77%) have children under 18 living with them and 1,282 (23%) do not have children under 18 living with them. This compares to a statewide occupancy rate for Marylandof 68% and a vacancy rate for Marylandof 6%.

Price Index: Salisbury, MD-DE

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