Zip Code:

22201, Arlington, VA

22201 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Arlington and the county of Arlington County. Its population is roughly 38,541.

The Real Estate Market in the 22201 Zip Code of Arlington, VA

Arlington, VA is a suburb of Washington D.C. and has a population of over 220,000 people. The median home value in the zip code is $412,500 and the median home equity is $166,500. There are a total of 1,853 homes in the zip code and 48% of them are occupied. The average age of the homes in the zip code is 36 years old and 54% of them were built in 2000 or later. The average square footage for a home in the zip code is 1,917 sq ft.

The unemployment rate for Arlington residents is 5%. The median household income for Arlington residents is $101,000 which puts it at number 15 on our list of wealthiest suburbs in Virginia. Home prices have increased by 10% over the past year which indicates that there may be potential for even more growth in this market over time.

Price Index: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD)

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