Zip Code:
22407 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Fredericksburg and the county of Spotsylvania County. Its population is roughly 58,826.
The 22407 zip code of Fredericksburg, VA has a median home value of $211,000. This is lower than the Virginia median home value of $239,900 and the national median home value of $217,500. The 22407 zip code also has a lower than average percentage of homeowners with a mortgage at 66%. This is higher than the Virginia percentage of homeowners with a mortgage at 63% and the national percentage of homeowners with a mortgage at 64%.
The 22407 zip code has an above average percentage of renters living in homes that are owned outright or with a loan not currently being repaid (41%). This is lower than the Virginia percentage of renters living in homes that are owned outright or with a loan not currently being repaid (45%) and the national percentage of renters living in homes that are owned outright or with a loan not currently being repaid (43%). The 22407 zip code also has an above average percentage of renters who live in homes that are paid off (14%). This is lower than the Virginia percentage of renters who live in homes that are paid off (16%) and the national percentage of renters who live in homes that are paid off (15%).
Price Index: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD)
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
22408 | 30,285 | 254.6 | America/New_York | 38.22075 | -77.44514 | Fredericksburg | Spotsylvania County | Virginia |
22401 | 28,622 | 1,057.3 | America/New_York | 38.29918 | -77.48713 | Fredericksburg | Fredericksburg city | Virginia |
22553 | 15,761 | 136.3 | America/New_York | 38.27100 | -77.64475 | Spotsylvania | Spotsylvania County | Virginia |