Zip Code:

22902, Charlottesville, VA

22902 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Charlottesville and the county of Charlottesville city. Its population is roughly 25,245.

The Real Estate Market in Charlottesville, VA

The 22902 zip code of Charlottesville, VA has a median home value of $242,000 and a median home equity value of $141,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $217,500 and the national median home equity value of $142,700. The 22902 zip code also has a lower than average rate of homeownership at 63%. This is likely due to the high cost of living in Charlottesville.

Despite having a high median home value and low rate of homeownership, the 22902 zip code still experiences significant fluctuations in home prices. In 2016, the median home price was $269,900 but decreased to $235,000 in 2017. Similarly, thehome equity value increased from $138,000 in 2016 to$151,000in 2017. These fluctuations are likely due to local market conditions such as interest rates and availability of homes for sale.

Price Index: Charlottesville, VA

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