Zip Code:

22963, Palmyra, VA

22963 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Palmyra and the county of Fluvanna County. Its population is roughly 16,571.

Real Estate in the 22963 Zip Code of Palmyra, VA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 22963 Zip Code of Palmyra, VA

The 22963 zip code of Palmyra, VA has a median home value of $174,900 and a median home equity value of $119,000. These values are above the national median home value of $161,500 and median home equity value of $100,000. The 22963 zip code is also above the Virginia statewide median home value of $147,200 and median home equity value of $101,700.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the high values in the 22963 zip code. Some potential reasons include:

-The presence of affluent residents who may be able to afford higher prices than average;

-A low rate of foreclosure activity in this area;

-High levels of education and income among residents;

-Low levels of unemployment;

-Low levels of crime;

-A strong economy overall.

Price Index: Charlottesville, VA

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