Zip Code:

23038, Columbia, VA

23038 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Columbia and the county of Goochland County. Its population is roughly 1,513.

Real Estate in the 23038 Zip Code of Columbia, VA

The 23038 zip code of Columbia, VA has a median home value of $187,000 and a median home equity value of $128,000. This is a decrease from the median home value of $214,000 and median home equity value of $142,000 in 2016. The reason for this decrease is likely due to the current market conditions.

There are many factors that contribute to the price of a home. Some factors that may influence the price include location (near major cities or suburbs), size (square footage or number of bedrooms), condition (new construction or pre-owned), and amenities (pools, tennis courts, etc.). In general, homes in wealthier neighborhoods tend to be more expensive than homes in poorer neighborhoods.

In addition to location and other physical features of a property, the market can also be influenced by local government policies and regulations. For example, zoning laws can restrict development near certain areas which can lead to increased demand for properties in those areas and increased prices. Additionally, tax laws and incentives can also affect prices – for example by providing tax breaks for buyers who invest in certain types of properties such as condos or townhouses.

Price Index: Richmond, VA

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