Zip Code:

23141, Quinton, VA

23141 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Quinton and the county of New Kent County. Its population is roughly 7,026.

Real Estate in the 23141 Zip Code of Quinton, VA

Quinton, VA is located in the 23141 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Quinton was 2,827. The median household income in Quinton was $49,000. Home equity and home prices in Quinton are important factors to consider when looking at buying or selling a home.

Home equity is the difference between the market value of a home and what a homeowner owes on their mortgage or other loan obligations. Home prices are determined by many factors including location, size, condition and amenities. In general, homes that are closer to major cities and have more amenities (like pools) will cost more than homes in rural areas or with fewer amenities.

According to Zillow’s recent report on home prices in 23141 zip codes across the United States, Quinton’s median home price was $187,500 as of January 2018. This is above the national median price of $161,200 but below the median price for zip codes located within Northern Virginia (like Arlington County which has a median home price of $239,900). The average list price for homes in Quinton during this time period was also above the national average at $236 per square foot. However, compared to other nearby zip codes like King George County which has a list price of $269 per square foot and Prince William County which has an average list price of $291 per square foot, Quinton’s list prices were relatively low.

Despite having relatively low list prices compared to other nearby zip codes and being slightly above the national average when it comes to median home values ($187K vs.$161K), there are still some reasons why homeowners might want to consider buying or selling a home in Quinton:

1) The population density is lower than most other areas within Northern Virginia making it easier for families who want smaller homes but don’t want to be too far from major attractions like Washington D.C., Alexandria or Richmond; 2) There is plenty of available land within close proximity so homeowners can build larger homes if they desire; 3) The schools in Quinton are generally rated as good or excellent by parents which means that children will likely do well academically regardless of where they live; 4) There are many community events and activities that take place throughout the year that can be enjoyed by residents no matter what their interests may be; 5) Finally, although housing costs tend to increase over time due to inflationary pressures (just like anything else), homeownership rates remain relatively stable so there is always potential for someone who wants to buy or sell a house in Quinton today to find someone who wants to sell theirs tomorrow – especially given how tight inventory has become across much of Northern Virginia over recent years

Price Index: Richmond, VA

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